Zen Monke is here to help you.

"Feeling like monke lately? Don't worry, we all have been there. Let's play some games and channel our inner zen mode to calm down our monkeness!"

Zen Monke Mascot


"Sitting all day at your desk: no laughing, playing, or exercise makes you anxious, dull, and inactive. Take a little time off and play with Zen Monke!"

Meditation Coping Activities Listen to Music
Zen Monke Meditating

Meditate with Me

"Meditate With Me to calm down your inner monke and channel your mind to a more productive state. I used to jump around all day and get nothing done, then I discovered meditation. Meditation helps me and it'll help you too!"

Zen Monke Sleeping

Monke Sleeps a lot

I am a monke and I don't know about you but I am not an owl. So I eat a lot and sleep a lot. And that helps me cope with all the climbing and running all day long.

Zen Monke Enjoying Music

Listen to Music with me.

Music is good. And I also like to dance to good music, or maybe sometimes I like to just sit and listen to it while watching a bird on a tree, or thinking about banana trees.

More Info

"Even though we all feel like monke sometimes, it doesn't always feel the same. Learn more in-depth about the ways we may feel and what can be done to combat them."

A woman Meditating


"Anxiety is defined as a diffuse, vague, or very unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension. The word "anxiety" is derived from the Latin word i.e. "Angere", meaning to choke or strange. Meditation is one of the most common techniques used to combat anxiety. Read more on this page

A person walking in the park


"Stress is normal when responding to a demand or threat as it keeps us safe, but if you find yourself constantly frazzled in situations that don't demand it, there may be a problem. Taking time off and spending it with loved ones can be some of the best ways to combat stress." Read more about it here

 A person Joyriding on a Toy


"It's natural to feel sad after experiencing a painful event. But when the feeling turns into a long term one and we begin to feel helpless, sadness can turn to depression. Awareness of our social circle and prioritizing our health are two common ways of coping." Read more about depression here

Zen Monke is changing lives

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